/Project Management
Project Management 2022-06-27T15:29:30+00:00

It is necessary to create the conditions and the skills to start and complete projects, to activate the intelligent contribution of the people who collaborate in a productive team work.

People Performing Projects

  • ›We interpret the market and the competitive scenario in which the customer moves, defining the key factors of success.

  • ›We intervene with a team of people with technical competences certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) ®, with specific teaching and coaching skills.

  • ›We measure the skills of Project Management and the results of the projects through specific systems of key performance indicators and we evaluate criticality and importance – with forefront specific tools (Vantic ©) .

  • ›We return to the client and project teams systematic feedbacks to improve customer projects and our own support ability.

In order to help companies to give the market quick answers with sustainable investments, Choralia offers rigorous learning systems that are measurable on the contents and sensitive to the human side of the project management.

Our solution

We offer an extensive training program able to model itself on our customers needs, based on the levels of knowledge of the Project Management already present in the company. The learning system includes active teaching with modern methods, including:

  • ›great usage of Celemi business simulation;

  • ›follow-up tools ( with an highly engaging e-learning);

  • ›integration of the rigor of the Project Management Institute (PMI) ® system with the relational and leadership skills needed to bring projects to success.

We support the client in the selection and definition of the Project Management methodology that best suits the business needs, developing PM processes, procedures and templates from scratch, or improving existing processes.

In particular, we offer mentoring and team coaching to the team working together in the planning and in the control of projects and programs, contributing to the learning and to the improving of knowledge and to the operational and measurable results of the projects.

We participate to the realization of sales objectives and strategies.

We design, develop and contribute to the planning and execution of sales projects, with the definition of measurable commercial processes in order to maximize their effectiveness. 

We assist companies in introducing internationally recognized methodologies, developing skills and team work compentences and aligning company procedures when needed.

The immediate and operational effectiveness of the new methods brought to client companies is the primary objective of our consulting intervention.

Find out more

Anna Desole
Anna Desole
Laureata in Storia e Filosofia presso l’Università di Sassari comincia la sua attività lavorativa in ambito HR nel 1997 specializzandosi nelle aree di Sviluppo Organizzativo, Reclutamento, Talent Management e Formazione della Forza Vendita. Dal 2005 ha lavorato come HR Director con responsabilità crescenti in Europa, Medio Oriente, Africa e Canada.

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(PMI is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)

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